While many celebrate, or, conversely, lament the legalization of homosexual marriage in the United States, it seems so many have forgotten how we arrived here. In truth, the legalization of homosexual marriage is simply the latest symptom to present itself in a society sickened by sin, by what I would term THE original sin of humanity.
Even back to the Garden of Eden, the temptation of Adam and Eve was that they would become like God, able to make their own determinations as to what was right or wrong outside of the commandment of God. This self-determinism and self-rule ARE the disease, the sin that leads to all others. When we come to the decisive moment of temptation, believers in particular must wrestle with the decision to either submit to their own sinful desires or to God's commandment. Even if one is without the knowledge of God's command, He has equipped humanity with a conscience with which to wrestle.
In this sense, all such sin results from a decision to place one's self in the throne of one's will, and reject the lordship of God. In the United States of America, the symptoms of our universal disease have expressed themselves through every form of sin. Those symptoms most responsible for the moral crisis of legalized homosexual marriage are lust, fornication, marital infidelity, greed as expressed through prioritizing career before family, and divorce. Each of these has devalued marriage and male-female romantic relationships to such an extent that they are trifles in the eyes of the majority.
Because many of the aforementioned moral failures are rampant throughout Christendom, we must accept responsibility for this crisis. When the people of God, meant to be the salt preserving the earth until its end, make excuses for sin, we demonstrate to the world how easily we nullify God's word by the traditions of men. It's yet another example by which self-determinism usurps the rule of God, and "if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
Through our ignorant sinfulness, we have amplified the effects of our sin in the world, and turned over moral authority to the world, which has no objective moral standard. If we claim Christ as Lord, then we must submit to His rule, regardless of how we feel about it. If you personally have no intention of doing so, please do the church and the world a favor, and stop claiming Christ as Lord, and Christianity as your religion, because neither statement is true. Otherwise, the church has a dire need for sincerely and seriously committed people who are desperate to flaunt their own desires and the traditions of men to glorify God. Let's join together, forsaking all else, with this worthy endeavor as the objective of our lives.
Great thoughts. Well-expressed.